Skoltech University: No Application Fee

About University

At Skoltech University, we are proud to offer an outstanding academic experience to students from all over the world. We are known for our innovative approach to education, cutting-edge research, and world-class faculty. What’s more, we offer all of this without any application fee.

Academic Programs

At Skoltech University, we offer a range of academic programs designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world. Our programs include Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD degrees in a variety of fields, including computer science, physics, energy, and biomedicine. Our courses delievers by leading experts in each field, ensuring that students receive the highest quality education possible.

Research Opportunities

Skoltech University is also a leader in research, with a focus on developing cutting-edge technologies and solutions to real-world problems. We have a range of research centers and institutes focused on everything from renewable energy to quantum computing.

Our Value & Ranking

In addition to our world-class academic programs and research opportunities, Skoltech University offers excellent value for students. Our tuition rates are highly competitive compared to other top universities, and we offer a range of financial aid options to help make our programs accessible to students from all backgrounds. Our location in Moscow also provides a unique cultural experience, with access to a wide range of museums, theaters, and other cultural institutions. Skolkovo Institute of Science & Technology ranking is #702 in Best Global Universities

Why Skoltech University Stands Out

Skoltech University stands out from other universities in several key ways. First and foremost, our commitment to innovation sets us apart.

Finally, our focus on affordability and accessibility makes Skoltech University an excellent choice for students from all backgrounds.

In conclusion, Skoltech University is an outstanding choice for students seeking a world-class education in a dynamic and innovative environment.

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Extra Information

Visa Fee

For 3 year multiple Entry $160 / $160

Medical appointment details


Funds/ bank statement requirements


Living Cost



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