Sabanci University

About University

Sabanci University is a young private higher educational institution on a 1.26 million square meter campus which is about 40 km from Istanbul’s city center. It is also written as Sabancı Üniversitesi in Turkish and was founded in 1994. In 1999, the school’s first students graduated. On October 20, 1999, the first academic year began. Through its applied strategic initiatives that are influencing the future, this university is continuing its aim to become a top research institution. Additionally, it keeps educating self-assured people who uphold universal principles and are compassionate toward the concerns of society. Graduates of Sabanci realize the importance of learning skills and being receptive to collaborative development in order to generate innovative solutions.

Sabanci University ranking

It is one of the top Turkish universities and ranks 401st in World University Rankings by Times Higher Education. Moreover, according to Sabanci University QS ranking, it holds a position between 531-540th. In addition, the 17th is the Sabanci University ranking in Turkey. Furthermore, U.S News and world report place this university 953rd on the list. Besides that, 23% is the Sabanci University acceptance rate.

Sabanci University graduate programs

The university offers many undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Moreover, due to its mission to use cutting-edge transdisciplinary research to create globally competent and self-assured individuals who advance and foster knowledge in the natural sciences, engineering, humanities, and social and management sciences, Sabanci has a distinctive educational system. In addition, the first and only institution in Turkey to grant students total program independence is the Sabanci Institution. Furthermore, instead of a departmental structure, the institution has opted for a program promoting interdisciplinary transition and interaction. Additionally, the Foundations Development Program, which forms the foundation of the Sabanci educational system, is completed by all first-year students. They pursue a thorough core curriculum and take classes in various topics, from social sciences to mathematics, natural sciences, and computational thinking. After the Foundations Development Year is through, students can declare a major program of their choosing without having to take any more exams or adhere to any quotas or restrictions. Besides that, many students can avail of Sabanci University scholarships. Also, see Sabanci University fees on our website.

Sabanci University courses

Civil Engineering
Political Science
Electronics Engineering
Computer Science
Materials Science
Cyber Security

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Extra Information

Visa Fee

1506.32₺ (turkish Lira)

Medical appointment details


Funds/ bank statement requirements

171173.07 ₺ (Average)

Living Cost

300 Euro (Average)


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