University of Calgary Social & Behavioural Science Programs

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The University of Calgary, in Alberta, Canada, is a shining example of academic achievement and creativity. These influence the nature of education, its dedication to developing research skills, critical thinking, and a dynamic learning community. This comprehensive public research university was founded in 1966. It has since grown into a thriving establishment known for its excellent staff and modern facilities. These programs cover the arts, sciences, engineering, business, and health sciences, with the breathtaking Rocky Mountains as a backdrop. The university’s expansive campus offers an energizing environment for students to participate in a comprehensive educational experience.

University of Calgary
University of Calgary

University of Calgary Social & Behavioural Science Programs provides students with an interdisciplinary education that explores the complexities of human behavior and societal dynamics through a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate programs in social and behavioral sciences. Undergraduates who wish to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences can choose from various majors, including Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, and Anthropology. This introductory program develops research and critical thinking abilities and gives students a comprehensive understanding of human behavior and social processes.
University of Calgary Social & Behavioural Science Programs department offers many challenging postgraduate opportunities for students pursuing higher education. MA and MS programs allow students to specialize in their chosen topic and develop research skills in their areas of interest. The University of Calgary’s Ph.D. program represents the highest academic performance in social and behavioral sciences. This program is designed for students who want to advance knowledge in their field through original research. Doctoral candidates in sociology, psychology, and anthropology collaborate closely with distinguished faculty members while conducting innovative research that advances academic understanding.

List of Social & Behavioural Science Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Course NameSpecializationThesis -NonthesisDisciplineDegree LevelDuration YearsIntake MonthDeadline DateFee Per Year
Bachelor of Community RehabilitationCommunity RehabilitationNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Economics (Co Op)EconomicsNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Economics (Co Op) EconomicsNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Economics (Co Op)EconomicsNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Economics (Co Op) (With Study Abroad)EconomicsNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Political Science (Co Op)Political ScienceNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Political Science (Co Op)Political ScienceNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Political Science (Co Op) (With Study Broad)Political ScienceNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Political Science (Co Op) Political ScienceNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of PsychologyPsychologyNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in PsychologyPsychologyNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of PsychologyPsychologyNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in PsychologyPsychologyNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Sociology (Co Op)SociologyNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Social WorkSocial WorkNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Urban StudiesUrban StudiesNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Urban StudiesUrban StudiesNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849
Bachelor of Urban Studies Urban StudiesNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,01-March,26849

Postgraduate Programs

Course NameSpecializationThesis -NonthesisDisciplineDegree LevelDuration YearsIntake MonthDeadline DateFee Per Year
Master of PsychologyPsychologyThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters2January,September,01-September,15-November,13869
Master of Education in School & Applied Child PsychologySchool & Applied Child PsychologyNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters3July,01-December,9463
Master of Social WorkSocial WorkThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters2May,01-November,13869
Master of Social WorkSocial WorkThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters3May,01-November,13869
Master of Social WorkSocial WorkThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters4May,01-November,13869
Master of Counselling PsychologyCounselling PsychologyNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters3September,rolling_admissions5775
Master of Counselling PsychologyCounselling PsychologyThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters2September,01-December,13869
Master of EconomicsEconomicsNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters1September,15-January,16630
Master of EconomicsEconomicsThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters2September,15-January,13869
Master of Political SciencePolitical ScienceNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters1September,15-January,19005
Master of Political SciencePolitical ScienceThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters2September,15-January,13869
Master of Public PolicyPublic PolicyNon-ThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters1September,01-February,43629
Master of School & Applied Child PsychologySchool & Applied Child PsychologyThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters2September,01-December,13869
Master of SociologySociologyThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencemasters2September,15-December,13869

PHD Programs

Course NameSpecializationThesis -NonthesisDisciplineDegree LevelDuration YearsIntake MonthDeadline DateFee Per Year
Doctor of Philosophy in Counselling PsychologyCounselling PsychologyThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencephd4September,1-December,13869
Doctor of Philosophy in EconomicsEconomicsThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencephd5September,15-January,13869
Doctor of Philosophy in Political SciencePolitical ScienceThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencephd4September,15-January,13869
Doctor of Philosophy in PsychologyPsychologyThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencephd4January,September,1-September,15-November,13869
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology with Industrial/Organizational PsychologyPsychology with Industrial/Organizational PsychologyThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencephd4September,15-November,13869
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology with Medical Imaging (Interdisciplinary)Psychology with Medical ImagingThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencephd4January,September,1-September,15-November,13869
Doctor of Philosophy in School & Applied Child PsychologySchool & Applied Child PsychologyThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencephd4September,1-December,13869
Doctor of Philosophy in Social WorkSocial WorkThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencephd4September,1-December,13869
Doctor of Philosophy in SociologySociologyThesisSocial & Behavioural Sciencephd4September,15-December,13869

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