Toronto Metropolitan University Physical Science & Math Programs

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It nestles in the bustling center of the biggest city in Canada. Toronto Metropolitan University is a shining example of academic quality and cultural diversity. The university founded a vibrant learning environment. A renowned institution in Toronto, with contemporary architecture and green spaces. Toronto Metropolitan University offers an engaging environment for students to start their academic journey. The university’s commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and community involvement is at the heart of its mission. The university provides a wide range of courses in business and social sciences and health, and the arts and sciences.

Toronto Metropolitan University
Toronto Metropolitan University

Toronto Metropolitan University promotes academic quality, innovative research, and practical application in the dynamic fields of physical science and mathematics by providing a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. The undergraduate programs give students a firm grounding in fundamental concepts, giving them the knowledge and abilities they need to successfully negotiate the complex mathematics, physics, and chemistry fields. Pupils participate in practical laboratory work, group projects, and theoretical investigation, guaranteeing a comprehensive education that equips them for various professional routes or higher education endeavors.
Toronto Metropolitan University is a leader in providing postgraduate specialty programs exploring mathematics and physical science complexities. These courses encourage students to investigate cutting-edge studies, contribute to their disciplines’ progress, and gain specialized knowledge. The faculty includes renowned academics and business leaders who mentor and advise students starting graduate programs and research initiatives. The Ph.D. programs of Toronto Metropolitan University are evidence of the school’s dedication to expanding knowledge for individuals pursuing the highest level of academic success. Doctorate candidates contribute to the international scientific and mathematical communities by doing ground-breaking research.

List of Physical Science & Math Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Course NameSpecializationThesis -NonthesisDisciplineDegree LevelDuration YearsIntake MonthDeadline DateFee Per Year
Bachelor of Arts in Environment & Urban SustainabilityEnvironment & Urban SustainabilityNon-ThesisPhysical Science & Mathbachelors4January,September,16-October,1-February,33435
Bachelor of Arts in Geography AnalysisGeography AnalysisNon-ThesisPhysical Science & Mathbachelors4September,1-February-2024,33435
Bachelor of Science in ChemistryChemistryNon-ThesisPhysical Science & Mathbachelors4January,September,16-October,1-February,33432
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Its ApplicationsMathematics & Its ApplicationsNon-ThesisPhysical Science & Mathbachelors4January,September,16-October,1-February,33432

Postgraduate Programs

Course NameSpecializationThesis -NonthesisDisciplineDegree LevelDuration YearsIntake MonthDeadline DateFee Per Year
Master of Science in MathematicsMathematicsNon-ThesisPhysical Science & Mathmasters2September,15-March,24260
Master of Science in MathematicsMathematicsThesisPhysical Science & Mathmasters2September,15-March,24260
Master of Science in Environmental Applied Science & ManagementEnvironmental Applied Science & ManagementNon-ThesisPhysical Science & Mathmasters2September,15-March,24260
Master of Science in Environmental Applied Science & ManagementEnvironmental Applied Science & ManagementThesisPhysical Science & Mathmasters2September,15-March,24260

PHD Programs

Course NameSpecializationThesis -NonthesisDisciplineDegree LevelDuration YearsIntake MonthDeadline DateFee Per Year
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Applied Science &ManagementEnvironmental Applied Science &ManagementThesisPhysical Science & Mathphd4September,15-March,23240
Doctor of Philosophy in MathematicsMathematicsNon-ThesisPhysical Science & Mathphd4September,15-March,23240

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