Bath Spa University Law Programs

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Tucked away in the charming English city of Bath, Bath Spa University is a shining example of academic brilliance, inventiveness. Since its founding in 2005, the institution has gained recognition for its fantastic campus, active community. And dedication to giving students an unforgettable educational experience. Bath Spa University takes excellent satisfaction in providing an extensive range of graduate and undergraduate curricula in the social sciences, humanities, sciences, and arts. Emphasizing creativity, sustainability, and interdisciplinary learning, the institution creates an atmosphere that empowers students to engage in critical thinking. Pursue their interests, and contribute significantly to society. Bath Spa University is a fascinating location to study because of its committed faculty, cutting-edge facilities, and close-knit community. Bath Spa University’s law programs prepare students for careers in a range of legal fields and provide them with a deep grasp of the legal system.

University of Bath
University of Bath

The law programs at Bath Spa University educate students for jobs in various law sectors and give them a thorough understanding of the legal system. Through a blend of academic instruction, hands-on training, and experiential learning. These programs give students the tools to negotiate the complexity of justice and the law successfully. Students gain an understanding of legal principles, methods, and ethical considerations by exploring a wide range of legal subjects. Including criminal law and contract law, human rights, and international law. The programs strongly emphasize communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities, enabling students to assess legal problems, fight for justice, and make well-informed decisions. Students at Bath Spa University benefit from invaluable networking opportunities, internships, and mentorship because of the university’s excellent relationships with legal professionals, law firms, and legal organizations.

List of Law Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Course NameSpecializationDisciplineDegree LevelDuration YearsIntake MonthFee Per Year
Bachelor of Business & Management in LawBusiness & Management in LawLawbachelors3September,15050
Bachelor of Business & Management in Law with Placement YearBusiness & Management in LawLawbachelors4September,15050
Bachelor of Criminology & LawCriminology & LawLawbachelors4September,15050
Bachelor of Criminology & Law with Placement YearCriminology & LawLawbachelors4September,15050
Bachelor of LawLawLawbachelors3September,15050
Bachelor of Law & PoliticsLaw & PoliticsLawbachelors4September,15050
Bachelor of Law & Politics with Placement YearLaw & PoliticsLawbachelors4September,15050
Bachelor of Law with Placement YearLawLawbachelors4September,15050

Postgraduate Programs

Course NameSpecializationDisciplineDegree LevelDuration YearsIntake MonthFee Per Year
Master of Law & BusinessLaw & BusinessLawmasters1October,15195
Master of Legal FoundationsLegal FoundationsLawmasters1October,15195

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