King’s College London Social & Behavioural Science Undergraduate Programs

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A leader in academic achievement, King’s College London is well-known worldwide for its dedication to intellectual rigor, innovation, cutting-edge research. King’s is among the oldest and most famous universities in the United Kingdom, boasting a rich 200-year history. Located in the center of London, is home to a growing, diverse community of academics, students, and employees worldwide. King’s College London actively promotes knowledge, tackles global challenges, and improves society through its top-notch faculties and research centers. The academy dedicates itself to promoting academic quality, diversity. And social responsibility to empower future generations of academics and leaders to impact the world. A wide range of undergraduate programs in social and behavioural sciences are available at King’s College London.

King's College London
King’s College London

These programs are intended to provide students with a thorough understanding of societal dynamics, human behavior, and the intricacies of contemporary life. The complex interactions between people, communities, and institutions are the focus of these programs, which range from political economy to psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Students prepare for jobs in public policy, market research, social work, and other professions by engaging in cutting-edge research, critical analysis, and practical application. The Students can explore, question, and contribute to the social sciences in a stimulating atmosphere at King’s College London, which offers access to top-notch teachers, cutting-edge resources, and a lively academic community. Students explore the subtleties of human cognition or analyze international political trends.

List of King’s College London Social & Behavioural Science Undergraduate Programs

Course NameSpecializationDisciplineDegree LevelDuration YearsIntake MonthFee Per Year
Bachelor of PsychologyPsychologySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors1September,29460
Bachelor of Religion, Politics & SocietyReligion, Politics & SocietySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,23160
Bachelor of Religion, Politics & Society with Year AbroadReligion, Politics & SocietySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,23160
Bachelor of Social SciencesSocial SciencesSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,23160
Bachelor of International DevelopmentInternational DevelopmentSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,23160
Bachelor of International DevelopmentInternational DevelopmentSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,23160
Bachelor of International Development with Year AbroadInternational DevelopmentSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,23160
Bachelor of International Development with Year AbroadInternational DevelopmentSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,23160
Bachelor of PoliticsPoliticsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,31260
Bachelor of Politics with Year AbroadPoliticsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,31260
Bachelor of International RelationsInternational RelationsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,23850
Bachelor of International RelationsInternational RelationsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,23850
Bachelor of International Relations with Year AbroadInternational RelationsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,23850
Bachelor of International Relations with Year AbroadInternational RelationsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,23850
Bachelor of PsychologyPsychologySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,34920
Bachelor of PsychologyPsychologySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,34920
Bachelor of Psychology with Year AbroadPsychologySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,34920
Bachelor of Psychology with Year AbroadPsychologySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,34920
Bachelor of Psychology with Year AbroadPsychologySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,34920
Bachelor of Psychology with Year AbroadPsychologySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,34920
Bachelor of Political EconomyPolitical EconomySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,31260
Bachelor of Political Economy with Year AbroadPolitical EconomySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,31260
Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics & EconomicsPhilosophy, Politics & EconomicsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,31260
Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics & EconomicsPhilosophy, Politics & EconomicsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,31260
Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics & Economics with Year AbroadPhilosophy, Politics & EconomicsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,31260
Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics & Economics with Year AbroadPhilosophy, Politics & EconomicsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,31260
Bachelor of Neuroscience & PsychologyNeuroscience & PsychologySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,34920
Bachelor of Neuroscience & Psychology with Year AbroadNeuroscience & PsychologySocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,34920
Bachelor of EconomicsEconomicsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,31260
Bachelor of Economics with Year AbroadEconomicsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,31260
Bachelor of Economics & ManagementEconomics & ManagementSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,29760
Bachelor of Economics & Management with Placement YearEconomics & ManagementSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,29760
Bachelor of Economics & Management with Year AbroadEconomics & ManagementSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,29760
Bachelor of PoliticsPoliticsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,31260
Bachelor of Politics with Year AbroadPoliticsSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,31260
Bachelor of Social Sciences with Year AbroadSocial SciencesSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,23160
Bachelor of Sociology, Politics and ReligionSociology, Politics and ReligionSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors3September,23160
Bachelor of Sociology, Politics and Religion with Year AbroadSociology, Politics and ReligionSocial & Behavioural Sciencebachelors4September,23160

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