Adelaide University Master scholarship

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Numerous domestic and foreign scholarships are available for Master’s students at the University of Adelaide. The university offers these grants depending on the research, coursework, or merit of the student. Outstanding international graduates from any nation who are starting their studies toward a master’s or doctoral degree through research are eligible for these awards.

Adelaide University

Adelaide Refugee & Humanitarian Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship

The purpose of the Adelaide Refugee & Humanitarian Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships is to acknowledge the financial struggles that students with refugee backgrounds have. These students will receive assistance in realizing their dream of attending the University of Adelaide.

For students starting postgraduate coursework programs in Semester 1, 2024, who still need to complete university study in Australia, the Adelaide Refugee and Humanitarian Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships offer a 100% tuition fee and Student Services & Amenities Fee (SSAF) Scholarship.

Applications open9 am, Tuesday 3 October 2023
Applications close5 pm, Thursday, 25 January 2024
Payment per yearFull Waiver of Tuition Fees + Scholarship for Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) + One-Time Payment of $2,500
DurationUp to 4 years (allowing for part-time study)
ProgramAll two-year postgraduate coursework programs (viticulture, oenology, and veterinary medicine programs excluded)
DegreePostgraduate Coursework
CitizenshipInternational Students
Type of ScholarshipAcademic
Available InAll Faculties
Available ToCommencing Students

The following requirements are a must for applicants to be eligible for the Adelaide Refugee & Humanitarian Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship:

  1. Obtain admission to a postgraduate coursework program of study starting in Semester 1, 2024 (that is, possess a Letter of Offer and fulfill all academic and English language proficiency requirements specified in that Offer); additionally, have a Bridging Visa E (BVE), Temporary Protection Visa (subclass 785) or Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV); and have the ability to demonstrate their ability to pay for their education.
  2. If necessary, candidates will be ranked according to their academic standing, with South Australian citizens receiving preference.
  3. Before the scholarship application deadline, applicants must fulfill all requirements present in their Letter of Offer to be eligible. The advice for the applicants is to schedule an exam as soon as possible if they need to take the IELTS or any approved English language examination by the university.
  4. Possess the ability to demonstrate their ability to sustain themselves financially via their studies.
  5. Only after receiving a Letter of Offer from the University of Adelaide and fulfilling any academic and English language competence requirements stated in that Letter of Offer can applicants apply for this Scholarship.
  6. The scholarship offer cannot be postponed; it must be accepted in the year it is made available. The Scholarship will be awarded to the next qualified student if the student declines the offer.

Gates Cambridge Scholarship

When the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave the University of Cambridge US$210 million in October 2000 to start the Gates Cambridge Scholarship program, it became the largest grant ever made to a UK university.

Every year, we provide 90 full-cost scholarships to deserving candidates from non-UK nations so they can attend the University of Cambridge to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree, including a research degree, in any topic.

Applications openFriday 2 September 2022
Applications closeEither 1 December 2022 or 5 January 2023, depending on your course (see Course Directory)
Payment per yearStudying at Cambridge is entirely funded by a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. It also offers more money for discretion.
DurationDuration Dependent on the course
DegreePostgraduate CourseworkPostgraduate Research
CitizenshipAustralian CitizensAustralian Permanent ResidentsNew Zealand CitizensPermanent Humanitarian Visa HoldersInternational Students
Type of ScholarshipAcademicStudy Abroad and ExchangeTravel Scholarships
Available InAll Faculties
Available ToFuture StudentsCommencing StudentsContinuing Students

The selection criteria are

  1. Exceptional intelligence, aptitude for leadership, and a dedication to enhancing the lives of others
  2. An intense match between the candidate’s goals and credentials and the Cambridge postgraduate program for which they are applying

Student Emergency Fund

The purpose of the Student Emergency Fund is to assist University of Adelaide students who encounter unforeseen financial difficulties and may not be able to finish their program or continue their studies without financial support.

Applications openOpen all year
Payment per yearUp to $2,000
DurationOne-off payment
ProgramAll Programs
DegreeHonorsPostgraduate CourseworkPostgraduate Research
CitizenshipAustralian CitizensAustralian Permanent ResidentsNew Zealand CitizensPermanent Humanitarian Visa HoldersInternational Students
Type of ScholarshipFinancial Need
Available InAll Faculties
Available ToCommencing StudentsContinuing Students

To be eligible, students must be:

  1. Studying in the university (pursuing an undergraduate, graduate, honors, or postgraduate coursework,
  2. or postgraduate research program) and making sufficient academic progress, as well as being able to provide evidence of immediate need for either living expenses or education

The university will accept applications at any moment. The Student Emergency Fund application form must be used to submit applications to Student Care. The following information must be there:

  1. A 300-word or less letter outlining the applicant’s need for financial aid and, if approved, how the Fund will be used
  2. The amount of the Fund that is being applied for, any other awards, scholarships, or grants that the applicant has or has applied for, and the availability of funds will depend on the application’s worthiness.
  3. Supporting paperwork proving their need for money, such as records of income-tested Commonwealth income support payments like Youth Allowance, Austudy, or ABSTUDY benefits, or other data about their financial situation.

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