Murdoch University Postgraduate Scholarships

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Murdoch University is a public university in Perth, Western Australia. It awards postgraduate scholarships depending on academic merit, research experience, and potential.

Murdoch University Australia

Dr Jolyn Tan Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is to fund the education of future veterinarians at Murdoch University so they can treat animals well in their practices, just as Jolyn would have done. It also seeks to foster academic excellence in the study of veterinary medicine.

Scholarship Value$4,000
Closing Date10 Mar 2024
Student TypeInternational
Level of studyPostgraduate
Semester AvailabilitySemester 1
Study AreaVeterinary Science
Duration of Award1 year
No. of Scholarships1
ProviderThe Tan Family


To apply for this scholarship, students will:

1. Enroll in an overseas postgraduate program full-time.
2. Be starting the DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) fifth year.
3. Have an interest in a profession in either the Emergency and Critical Care (ECC) track or Large Production Animals.
4. Possess a track record of excellent performance in prior years.

How to Apply

This scholarship requires you to:

  1. complete the application form.
  2. include a personal statement of no more than 500 words outlining academic achievement and career aspirations.

Payment Method

The following installments of payment will be sent immediately to your designated bank account:
• $2,000 throughout your allotted seventh or eighth week of the semester.
• $2000 in the seventh or eighth week of the subsequent second semester

These payments are subject to acceptance and ongoing compliance with the terms and conditions.

Welcome Back International Scholarship

Murdoch University’s core value has always been welcoming new students into our caring community, and this hasn’t changed despite the difficult times COVID-19 has forced upon us all.

Murdoch is welcoming back international students with a 20% fee reduction scholarship for the duration of their study, in anticipation of the opening of the Western Australian and Australian borders in 2022.

Scholarship Value20% tuition fee reduction
Closing Date30 Aug 2024
Student TypeInternational
Level of studyPostgraduate
No. of ScholarshipsMultiple
Duration of AwardDuration of degree
AvailabilitySemester 1,2 Trimester 1,2,3

Study Area:

  1. Business
  2. Creative Arts and Communication
  3. Engineering
  4. Health
  5. Law and Criminology
  6. Science
  7. Social and Cultural Studies
  8. Teaching
  9. Technology


You could be eligible if you meet all the following requirements:

1. You are a foreign student who pays the full tuition.
2. In 2022–2024, you will begin your studies at one of Murdoch’s campuses in Western Australia.
3. You are starting your studies toward a Murdoch coursework degree that qualifies.
4. There isn’t another Murdoch scholarship that you’re getting.

You are not eligible to receive this scholarship if you:

1. Have a valid permanent resident visa or are an Australian citizen.
2. Are exempt from paying tuition costs for international students.
3. Possess a scholarship from the Australian Government that pays for all or a portion of your education costs.
4. Are supported by a financial organization outside of the Australian Government that has a scholarship arrangement with Murdoch University.

Eligible courses

International students can pursue bachelor’s, graduate certificate, graduate diploma, and master’s degrees through coursework at one of Murdoch’s campuses in Western Australia; however, certain courses are not eligible, such as the Master of Applied Psychology in Clinical Psychology, the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), and the Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Veterinary Biology.

How to Apply

This scholarship is available to students who meet all qualifying requirements at the time of enrollment, therefore there is no need for you to apply.

Payment Method

For the duration of the course, the scholarship is automatically debited from the tuition cost each teaching session, equivalent to a 20% tuition fee contribution.
It cannot be viewed by the recipient and will be credited to their Murdoch University tuition fee account.

TNE Transfer Scholarship

25% course fee contribution for 1 teaching period. Available to students transferring to one of Murdoch’s Western Australian campuses (Local Campus) in 2023 or 2024 who are studying in classes at Murdoch Singapore, Murdoch Dubai, or Murdoch Malaysia.

Scholarship Value25% discount (1 study period)
Student TypeInternational
Level of studyPostgraduate
Semester AvailabilitySemester 1,2 Trimester 1,2,3

Study Area:

  1. Business
  2. Creative Arts and Communication
  3. Engineering
  4. Health
  5. Law and Criminology
  6. Science
  7. Social and Cultural Studies
  8. Teaching
  9. Technology


You are eligible to receive this scholarship if you meet all the following requirements:

  1. The scholarship is automatically deducted from the tuition cost of each teaching session for the duration of the course, which is equal to a 20% tuition fee contribution.
  2. It will be credited to the recipient’s Murdoch University tuition fee account and is not visible to them.

You are not eligible to receive this scholarship if you:

  1. possess an Australian citizenship or permanent residency visa holder
  2. do not have to pay international student tuition costs for your studies at the Local Campus.
  3. will have a different Murdoch scholarship at the same time (unless Murdoch approves an exemption).
  4. have an Australian Government scholarship that covers all or part of your tuition fees.
  5. are supported by a non-Australian government funding entity that has a scholarship arrangement with Murdoch University.

How to Apply

You don’t need to apply because students who meet all the requirements for admission will automatically get this scholarship.

Payment Method

For the duration of the course, the scholarship is automatically taken from the tuition charge each teaching session, equivalent to a 25% tuition fee contribution.
It cannot be viewed by the recipient and will be credited to their Murdoch University tuition fee account.

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