Bond University Law Programs

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Bond University, founded in 1989, is a trailblazing establishment in Australian higher education. Well-known for its dedication to innovation, quality, and individualized instruction. Bond University in Queensland, Australia’s Gold Coast, provides a dynamic and lively campus atmosphere that encourages entrepreneurship, creativity, and academic performance. Small class numbers, state-of-the-art facilities, and industry links are all highlighted at Bond University. Which offers students unmatched chances for research, professional growth, and hands-on learning. Bond University dedicates itself to fostering the intellectual, personal, and professional development of its students. It prepares its graduates to excel in their chosen disciplines and to have a significant impact on their communities beyond. Bond University’s Law Programs are renowned for their exceptional academic standards and commitment to producing highly trained lawyers who can successfully navigate the complexities of the legal system.

Bond University
Bond University

The Law Programs at Bond University are well-known for their outstanding academic standards and dedication to generating highly qualified attorneys who can successfully negotiate the legal system’s complexity. With a thorough curriculum that covers various legal topics, Including criminal law, international law, human rights law, commercial law. These programs give students a firm grounding in legal theory practical abilities. Students develop the analytical, critical thinking, and advocacy skills necessary for success in the legal field through engaging coursework, competitive moot court events, and legal practitioner internships. They also receive invaluable experience. Students study legal concepts under the direction of knowledgeable instructors who are authorities in their domains. All while emphasizing justice, ethics, and social responsibility. Choosing to work as corporate counsel, barristers, solicitors, or

List of Law Programs

Undergraduate Programs

CampusCourse NameSpecializationDisciplineDegree LevelDuration YearsIntake MonthFee Per Year
RobinaBachelor of Actuarial Science/LawActuarial Science/LawLawbachelors3.5January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of Arts & LawArts/LawLawbachelors3.5January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of Biomedical Science & LawBiomedical Science & LawLawbachelors4January,May,68760
RobinaBachelor of Business LawBusiness LawLawbachelors2January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of Commerce/LawCommerce/LawLawbachelors3.5January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of CommunicationCommunication LawLawbachelors2January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of Communication/LawsCommunication/LawLawbachelors3.5January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of Criminal Justice & CriminologyCriminal Justice & CriminologyLawbachelors2January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of Digital Transformation/LawsDigital Transformation/LawsLawbachelors3.5January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of Entrepreneurial Transformation/LawsEntrepreneurial Transformation/LawsLawbachelors3.5January,May,September,64800
RobinaBachelor of International Relations & LawsInternational Relations & LawLawbachelors3.5January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of International Relations & LawsInternational Relations & LawLawbachelors3.5January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of Journalism & LawsJournalism & LawLawbachelors4January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of Journalism & LawsJournalism & LawLawbachelors4January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of Journalism LawsJournalism/LawLawbachelors4January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of JurisprudenceJurisprudenceLawbachelors2January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of LawsLawLawbachelors2.5January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of Legal TransformationLegal TransformationLawbachelors2January,May,September,68760
RobinaBachelor of Psychological Science/LawsPsychological Science/LawLawbachelors3.5January,May,September,68760

Postgraduate Programs

CampusCourse NameSpecializationDisciplineDegree LevelDuration YearsIntake MonthFee Per Year
RobinaMaster of CriminologyCriminologyLawmasters1January,May,September,57040
RobinaMaster of Criminology ProfessionalCriminology ProfessionalLawmasters2January,May,September,33765
RobinaMaster of Criminology/Project ManagementCriminology/Project ManagementLawmasters2January,May,September,45030
RobinaMaster of Legal AdministrationLegal AdministrationLawmasters1January,May,September,72240

PHD Programs

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