University of Alberta Graduate Entrance Scholarship

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Newly accepted graduate students whose admissions were highly ranked by their Departments receive money and support from the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (G.P.S.) to help them.


The Master’s stipend is $17,500, and the doctoral stipend is $21,000. Students must have a Canadian address and bank account to be eligible for the grant.

Tuition & Fees: To assist with fees, domestic students will receive an extra $7,100, and overseas students will receive an additional $10,000. The money will be directly credited to the student’s tuition and fee accounts.


  1. The admissible terms are January 2024, May 2024, July 2024, and September 2024.
  2. Must be a freshly admitted graduate or Master’s program student in one of the above-mentioned terms.
  3. Both domestic and international students are welcome.
  4. Accepting both thesis-based and course-based students
  5. To be admitted, a minimum G.P.A. of 3.7 is required.
  6. The student must enroll full-time throughout the entire award period.
  7. This award lasts from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025, irrespective of the student’s admission term.


Departments must submit nominations through the GSMS Awards Portal by Monday, April 15, 2024.

University of Alberta

Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES)


The University of Alberta awards a scholarship worth $12,000 as a one-time payment to the recipient. To be eligible for the reward, students must have updated their Bear Tracks address with an Alberta address and a Canadian bank account.

Each student receives a one-time Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship that needs to be renewed. Nonetheless, departments can suggest students for a fresh honor each year if they fulfill the prerequisites.


  1. International students enrolled in a course in Canada, permanent residents of Canada, protected persons as defined under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada), and Canadian citizens are eligible. Open to study programs that are thesis- or course-based
  2. Available to PhD or Master’s degree holders. Qualified students enrolled in graduate certificate programs that lead to Master’s and Master’s degrees. Students must reside in Alberta at enrollment (whether attending classes in-person, virtually, or both).
  3. Current students must enroll full-time in the Fall 2023 or Winter 2024 sessions. Students admitted in January 2024 must also enroll full-time for the winter of that year.
  4. If a student is enrolled in at least 40% of the total course load and is registered with Student Accessibility Services or has a verified need for accommodations, they may apply.

Funding – PhD

There are two main parts to the financial package that is provided to new PhD candidates in business:

  1. $35,000 annually in essential financing for a maximum of five years.
  2. Five years of tuition and non-instructional expenses paid on the student’s behalf.

The financing support can come from various sources, such as research assistantships (R.A.s), teaching assistantships (T.A.s), external scholarships, and scholarships from the Alberta School of Business; some might be additional to our base funding offer. In years three and four of the program, students must teach two classes assigned by their department chair. Per your department chair’s assignment, you might have to teach two courses or more during your fifth year of study. This will depend on several factors, including the amount of funding your supervisor provides for research, any internal or external awards you receive, how well you perform in the program, and the school budget.

You must be a resident of Canada to be eligible for financing from scholarships, fellowships, and awards.

The Alberta School of Business will continue to provide financial support, subject to:

  1. Keeping up a full-time enrollment. Support will stop if you take a leave of absence and will resume once you get back.
  2. Submitting yearly progress reports.
  3. Fulfilling the requirements of the PhD Programme for superior academic achievement, such as:
  4. Upholding the FGSR’s G.P.A. standards.
  5. Conducting research at a caliber appropriate for your program year.
  6. Finishing your 18-month Individual Development Plan (IDP).
  7. Finishing your two-year period of comprehensive exams.
  8. Complete your three-year candidature examination.
  9. Finishing the first term’s requirements for academic citizenship and ethics.
  10. Finishing the required three years of professional development.

In addition to the above funding package, the business PhD program allocates up to $1,500 per year for each student for professional development expenses (research-related or to attend conferences) throughout their PhD program and an additional $1,500 to participate in the job market at one meeting. The business PhD program or faculty may offer other financial assistance to support periodic student events designed to develop and improve students’ research and teaching skills.

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